It’s Not about the Money!

BY IAN LUSTICK The following is the text of remarks delivered at a rally in support of academic freedom at the University of Pennsylvania on January 22, 2024. First let me say that I have nothing against billionaires. While I can’t say that some of my best friends are billionaires, I can say that, from…

A person in a red jacket holding a Palestinian flag

Open Letter from Gaza Academics

POSTED BY JENNIFER RUTH This open letter to the world from Gaza academics and university administrators was published yesterday by Al Jazeera here. On May 6, Israel’s cabinet voted to ban Al Jazeera and shut down its local offices. Among the many things American academics might do in response to help, one would be to…

Black and white image of protestors from behind

Reflections on Political Activism from a 60s Campus Radical

BY ALAN SINGER On May 3, fifty-nine students and other protesters were arrested at New York University and The New School, a partner institution, who had created an encampment protesting against the continued Israeli assault on Gaza. According to New School president Donna Shalala, she asked the NYPD to arrest demonstrators because they were blocking…

The Foundations of Academic Freedom

BY HANK REICHMAN The following is the text of my May 15, 2024, keynote address to the international symposium, “Academic Freedom in the Twenty-First Century,” sponsored by the Wenner-Gren Foundations and the Academia Europaea HERCuLES in Stockholm, Sweden.  A slightly expanded version will be published next year, along with other symposium presentations, in European Review. …

many clusters of purple grapes

Campus Encampments and the Road to Hebron

BY JOE LOCKARD I am not a stranger to protests on behalf of the Palestinian people and their right to self-determination. I have attended numerous protests in Israel and the occupied territories, including the 1983 Peace Now rally where a far-right murderer threw a hand grenade that killed the Israeli teacher and activist Emil Grunzweig.…

A tablet shows a finger selecting a purple and white sad-face emoji that appears as an option next to a green and white happy-face emoji and a blue and white neutral-face emoji

Online Classes That Are Close to the Bottom

BY JONATHAN REES Did your online social life survive the Great Twitter Exodus of 2022? Although I’ve found Mastodon to be somewhat useful in this regard, I lost track of far too many online “friends” to count. That has only just now started to change. For example, Audrey Watters made her well-earned reputation during the…

A person in a red jacket holding a Palestinian flag

JVP Portland on the Campus Protests

POSTED BY JENNIFER RUTH I asked permission to post the Jewish Voice for Peace-Portland chapter’s letter to Portland State University President Ann Cudd. It works through some points in a way that I find helpful. I hope you do, too. May 13, 2024 Dear President Cudd, Many campuses across this country, including PSU, have been…

a view of protesters from behind; one black sign with the word "RESIST" in white letters appears among the white back sides of other signs

Defending Students

BY MATTHEW BOEDY As Emory University sent police in late April to raid a student protest encampment—during which at least three faculty were arrested, one thrown to the ground—my state’s largest newspaper asked me as president of the state AAUP conference for my thoughts on the national situation that engulfed more than seventy-five public college…